In her first speech to Pennsylvania Democratic supporters after selecting Governor Tim Walz as her running mate, Kamala Harris made a notable entrance with Walz standing tall beside her. However, the initial excitement soon gave way to a more familiar and less inspiring rhetoric.

As the crowd settled, anticipation for a compelling speech grew. Where would Harris take her campaign? What would be her key messages? Unfortunately, she began with a series of attacks on former President Donald Trump—an approach that has become all too typical. The crowd seemed unimpressed by the repeated jabs, longing for something more substantial.

Sensing the need to shift gears, Harris eventually outlined her campaign's goals and introduced her running mate in great detail. Yet, the initial focus on Trump left a lingering question: Is this campaign going to be about more than just opposing Trump?

The truth is, many in the crowd appeared undecided, attending more out of party loyalty than genuine enthusiasm for the Harris-Walz ticket. They seemed unconvinced, waiting for Harris to present a vision that resonated with them.

I commend Harris for her perseverance and for remaining the party’s standard-bearer. However, she must prioritize discussing her campaign's objectives and focusing on the challenges and promises she speaks of for Americans. More substance, less Trump-bashing, would serve her well.

The Democrats must remember the lessons from 2016. Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, a formidable female candidate, and now in 2024, he faces another. Will history repeat itself? As Rudy Giuliani once remarked in a CNN interview, "You never see Donald Trump coming, he hits you like a slam dunk!" 

Will Trump deliver another blow, or will Harris rise above? Only time will tell.

Rose Peter Graham