All the way in Antalya, Turkey, to celebrate Evelyn Mejomafume Ibekeh on her 50th birthday! The journey was hectic but incredibly interesting. 

It's my first time here, after hearing so much about the place being one of the popular places for destination birthday celebrations... I am absolutely loving it!

After a late-night arrival, I indulged in my usual bedtime routine. Let me quickly digress—last night, I met a wonderful lady named Shola at the hotel restaurant. Despite the bland meals, we hit it off immediately and chatted about everything from men and sex to our mothers and children. We bonded over our stories and laughter, but I’ll spare you the juicy details!

Following our late-night jisting and a visit to the resort’s club at Swandor Hotel, we finally headed to our rooms around 1:30 AM. I struggled to sleep, and just as I finally dozed off, my makeup artist called at 7 AM for my scheduled appointment. Whose idea was it to book such an early time? - Laughing...

 Begrudgingly, I dragged myself out of bed and headed to her room, getting lost in the vast resort multiple times until she came out to fetch me.

The makeup session was an adventure in itself. Here’s a snapshot of the process and the stunning results. My makeup and head tie were done by the talented “BeautybyKems,” a truly beautiful and skilled artist.

As I made my way back to my room to finish getting ready, I noticed the curious stares from other tourists. I didn't ponder too much about their thoughts; my focus was on quickly putting on my jewellery and accessories and heading to the venue for the first session of the series of events to celebrate- My lovely, heartwarming, generous, gorgeous, and sophisticated client, Evelyn, awaited.

Stay tuned for more updates on the day's events. I need to give my best as the MC tonight—preparation is key!

Hope you enjoyed this glimpse into my whirlwind arrival in Antalya. More updates to follow!

More pictures below for your perusal : 

Snippet from my MCING :